Planning For A Winter Move: Four Ways To Beat The Cold Weather

Planning a winter move presents a few challenges that you won't face during the spring, summer or fall. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to prepare for your move so you can have a seamless moving experience. Here are some things to consider as you get ready to move.

Dress In Layers

On the day of your move, dress in several warm layers of clothing instead of simply wearing a heavy winter coat. A bulky coat can make it more difficult to move around. While your moving company will be doing the heavy lifting, you'll still likely want to move some items on your own, and wearing layers means you have freedom to stretch and lift as needed. You'll also be able to shed a layer or two when inside your home if you become too warm.

Invest In Hand And Foot Warmers

Hand and foot warmers help to keep your extremities warm in cold weather. They can be tucked inside your gloves and your socks to provide a steady source of heat while you move in and out of your home throughout the day. Be sure to invest in a few pairs for each person so you can replace them as they start to cool off, and have some extras on hand for the moving staff.

Keep Your Shovel Handy

Don't pack away your shovel, salt or other cold weather items. If it snows on the day of your move, or if there is ice on the sidewalk, these items will be needed to keep the path clear and safe for your moving service. It's also a good idea to have an outdoor broom available in case there is a light snow shower. The broom can be used to sweep away the snow throughout the day.

Set Up A Beverage Station

Invest in a large thermal coffee dispenser so you can have hot coffee ready for your movers and your family. Set it up on your kitchen counter along with disposable coffee cups, individual creamers and sugars. You and your movers can grab a cup as needed during the move to stay warm. If you like, you can also invest in a second dispenser for hot cocoa or tea.

A winter move doesn't have to be difficult if you plan properly. Use these tips to prepare for the cold weather, and ask a moving company, like Quick n Careful Movers, if it has any other tips to help you overcome the cold.
