How To Organize When You’re Moving To A Smaller Home

Are you moving to an assisted living facility? Maybe you're empty nesters and you've decided that you simply need to move to a smaller home or to an apartment. Either way, you are probably experiencing mixed emotions as you make huge changes in your life. While it will probably be very nice not to have a quite so many responsibilities, it may also be hard to say goodbye to neighbors and your familiar stomping grounds. Here are some things that might make your move an easier one.

Assess The New Place - It will help a lot if you'll be realistic about how much space you have in your new home. After you've done that, you will be better able to decide what to take with you. Consider what you can do to utilize your new space in the best way.

  • Does your new bedroom have enough space to add a comfortable chair or two for reading, doing handiwork or simply working on crossword puzzles?
  • Perhaps you have rented or bought a place that has a second bedroom. If so, think about using that room as a hobby and craft room while still keeping a sofa bed or a futon so the room can be used as a guest room.
  • If your new place doesn't have a formal dining room, consider making your kitchen a bit more formal by using small dining room furniture rather than your kitchen set. 

Assess What You Want To Bring - This part of the move can be very hard. It can even be an emotional time for you as you part with things that are dear to you.

  • Of course you'll want your bed. However, if you like your living room end tables better than your bedside tables, consider taking the end tables to use in your bedroom.
  • Perhaps you have a special place in your heart for a small table that was used for working jigsaw puzzles and playing board games with your children. If so, think about using it in the kitchen or in your second bedroom, and bring chairs that can be used at that spot or pulled into your living room for extra seating when guests come to visit.
  • Another idea is to recycle things you have acquired over the years. For example, for spring and summer you could use wicker patio furniture as your living room furniture. When fall and winter come, replace those pieces with furniture that used to be in your family room or your living room.

Rent A Self Storage Unit - For items you simply cannot part with, consider renting a self storage unit. This would be a great place to keep the furniture you are recycling for use at another time. It would also be a good place to store items that your grown children want at a later time. Renting storage space is very affordable. In addition, you can be sure that your belongings will be safe from theft because the units are monitored at all times. The great part about renting storage space is that you can access your belongings any time you want to.

Consider saving beloved holiday decorations and other treasured items in your storage unit, too. Because the units are thermostatically controlled, they will be not be damaged. Get in touch with a service like Epic Group Inc to learn more.
