Tips For Moving Out of State After Your Divorce

Getting a divorce means starting your life all over again. Sometimes this fresh start can take you out of your current state. Whether you are moving back to the state where your family lives, or you are moving for a new job opportunity, preparation will be key. Here are some tips on moving out of state after a divorce.

Be sure to get court permission

When you are co-parenting with an ex-partner, out of state moving often takes permission from the courts. In fact, says that the custodial parent can be fined or sentenced to jail-time if they leave without permission! Some courts will require the co-parent to provide permission, while others will determine if moving is in the child's best interest. Be sure to present a solid case with the help of an attorney so that you will get permission to move.

Create a comprehensive visitation and storage schedule

In order for the children to maintain a good connection with their other parent, they should visit and speak with that parent often. Before moving, come up with a visitation schedule with your ex-partner. Along with the calendar for visitations, outline who will pay for the travel expenses back and forth and how your kids will store their larger items (e.g. bikes) in each location. Having a solid calendar schedule will take down any arguments and help to parent more smoothly.

Break the news to in-state friends and family

Moving will not just be emotional for you, but for your family and friends who are used to being nearby. Break the news to your in-state family and friends about your out of state moving as soon as possible. Give them time to adjust to the idea and allow them to help you prepare as well. You will likely need help with moving and storage, so have your friends help you with home cleaning and packing as necessary.

Allow the children input

There is nothing like major life changes to make a child feel out of control. Instead of making all of the choices, allow your children to have some input on the situation. Present non-negotiable news to them in a way that includes them in the change positively. For instance, if they are having issues in their current town due to the divorce, let them know that they will have the opportunity to start a clean slate and be happy. For the negotiables, such as housing and activities in the new town, allow them to help choose your new home and the city neighborhood that they would enjoy. Let them pick which activities they would like to be involved in to make new friends. Allowing your children to have input will emit positive energy in your moving plans.
