Planning For A Winter Move: Four Ways To Beat The Cold Weather

Planning a winter move presents a few challenges that you won't face during the spring, summer or fall. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to prepare for your move so you can have a seamless moving experience. Here are some things to consider as you get ready to move. Dress In Layers On the day of your move, dress in several warm layers of clothing instead of simply wearing a heavy winter coat. Read More 

Preparing Your Shed’s Contents To Move To A New Home

If you are moving to a new home in the near future, you are most likely busy trying to collect and package your belongings appropriately so they do not become damaged during their ride. One part of the home that needs special attention is the belongings kept in your shed. Here are some tips you can use when moving your shed's contents to a new location. Know What To Leave Behind Read More 

Painting And Artwork Storage Tips

Whether you are storing your precious family portraits, a few favorite prints, or expensive original works of art, making sure that they survive without damage is a key concern. Fortunately, your art is generally safe in a secure self storage facility if you pack it correctly and pick the right unit. The following tips can help. Tip #1: Opt for an Interior Unit With Climate Control Humidity along with exposure to extreme heat and cold can ruin your framed art. Read More