Keeping Your Belongings Safe At A Storage Unit

If you're transitioning between a move or you have items that don't fit into your home or apartment, a storage unit is a life saver. Storage units come in a variety of options that allow you to conveniently store items in an indoor, temperature-controlled environment or a secure outdoor location. One of the top priorities of any storage facility is keeping their client's items safe and accessible at all times. Unfortunately, storage units are often targeted by thieves and vandals. Read More 

Four Ways To Protect Your Items From Rodents While In Storage

One of the biggest worries many people have when they put their items into storage is that they'll return to the storage unit a few months later and find that their things have been gnawed on or nested upon by rodents. While choosing a clean, well-maintained storage facility is the first step in avoiding rodent infestation, there are four other things you should do to ensure mice and rats don't start thinking of your belongings as home. Read More 

Three Tips For Getting The Most From Your Storage Unit

Storage space is one of the main complaints that people have against their homes, and it is easy to see why this is an issue for those living in small homes. However, a lot of these problems can be alleviated by using a personal storage unit for these items. If you have never used these services before, you may benefit from following these three tips to ensure that you avoid some common issues that can arise when using these services. Read More 

How to Set Up a Piano Room

Are you establishing a room for a piano in a new home, or are you updating a room in your present home to a music room? Either way, count yourself blessed to be able to dedicate an entire room for this purpose. Music enhances creativity, makes learning more enjoyable, increases spirituality, and brings people together. Here are some ideas that might inspire you to create the perfect piano room. First Things First. Read More 

It’s Moving Time: 4 Tips To Make The Process Easier

You're about to close escrow on your new home. It's time to start planning the move. You've hired a moving company to take care of the big stuff, but there are still some minor details that you'll need to take care of. Here are some simple steps you can take that will eliminate some of the moving day stress. Get Rid of What You Don't Need There's nothing worse than packing up your home and then finding out that you paid to move useless junk that you no longer needed. Read More