2 Reasons You Can’t Afford Not To Use An Auto Storage Facility

Are you a multi-car household and find yourself faced with an issue of storing your vehicles? It's common to use a friend or family member's garage. However, you never want to inconvenience them for too long. Storage facilities, however, exist to store your motor vehicles. If you feel that is a waste of money each month, below are two reasons you simply can't afford not to use an auto storage facility. Read More 

4 Tips For Moving In The Winter

The time of year that you need to move out of your old place and into a new one sometimes just can't be controlled. This means you may find yourself having to move in the middle of winter. If this is the case, you will want to prepare for the move with these tips: Clear the Snow: You want to clear the snow at both your new place and your old place to clear a path for yourself, your family, and the movers. Read More 

Paper Trail: What Paper Documents Does Your Business Need To Keep?

In the not so distant past, every thriving business needed to keep a "paper trail," important documents that you could access quickly for legal or customer service reasons. Since so much business is now done digitally, many of your business documents are stored on company computers or in online "clouds."  You may still have filing cabinets full of papers, however. You may be confused about whether you need to keep up these files. Read More 

How To Organize When You’re Moving To A Smaller Home

Are you moving to an assisted living facility? Maybe you're empty nesters and you've decided that you simply need to move to a smaller home or to an apartment. Either way, you are probably experiencing mixed emotions as you make huge changes in your life. While it will probably be very nice not to have a quite so many responsibilities, it may also be hard to say goodbye to neighbors and your familiar stomping grounds. Read More